Learn about Continuous Integration with Compare the Market
Thu, 30th September | 12:00 - 13:00 BST (GMT+01:00)

In this lunchtime session Simon Mayes (Engineering Manager), Albert Yanit (Software Engineer) & Thomas Bastian (Software Engineer) from Compare the Market will demo how to work with GitHub Actions. As well as teach you more about Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD). You will

  • Setup a React app using create-react-app and configure CI (with Jest tests)
  • Configure CD to deploy app to GitHub Pages

This event will happen on Zoom, if you've RSVP'd you will receive a link on the morning of the event. If you have any questions please drop [email protected] an email.

This event has already occurred.




12 noon (BST) - Join Zoom - 13:00 (BST) - Finish


A big thanks to all of our sponsors for making the event possible!

Compare The Market


Kimberley Cook (She/Her)

Kimberley Cook (She/Her)